Jeong Han KIM

BirdMan: Hybrid Perception

Emergent Mind of City

Qualia Landscapes

Media Art & Cognitive Science


Kim, Jeong Han is a media artist working on data art projects based on the convergence between Cognitive Science and Media Art. Kim earned his Ph.D. in Cognitive Science at Seoul National University and MFA at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. With the support of the Rockefeller Foundation Asian Cultural Council, he participated in the artist residence program organized by the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council in New York City. He was a researcher in the BiKE(Biomedical  Knowledge Engineering) Lab. at Seoul National University. He was also a Fulbright visiting scholar in DXARTS at the University of Washington, Seattle, U.S., during his 2014-15 sabbatical year. His artworks have been featured at the “Infosphere” at ZKM (Karlsruhe, Germany), the 7th International Media Art Biennale Media City Seoul, Whitebox at NYC, and other selected group exhibitions globally. He was a professor and director of the Museum and the B-MADE (Bio-Medical | Body-Mind Arts & Design Education) center at SWU. Now, he is a professor in the Department of Painting, Seoul National University. He is artistically exploring the ‘Qualia Landscapes’ using data visualization transversally in the micro and macro world.


Artist (focused on media art and cognitive science)

Professor of the Dept. of Painting at Seoul National University

Fulbright visiting scholar at DXARTS, University of Washington

Expert of the UNESCO Reflection Group on the diversity of cultural expressions in the digital environment 2024


Ph.D. in Cognitive Science, Seoul National University, Korea

M.F.A. in Film, Video and New Media, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, U.S.A.

M.F.A. in painting, College of Fine Arts, Seoul National University, Korea

B.F.A. in painting, College of Fine Arts, Seoul National University, Korea


2014 Fulbright Scholarship, Visiting Scholar at DXARTS, University of Washington, Seattle, U.S.A.

2008 Selected and funded for Solo Exhibition at the Songeun Gallery, Songeun Art Foundation, Seoul, Korea

2008 The Korean Art & Culture Foundation, Fund for Aritst in 2008, Seoul, Korea

2007 New Media Artist, Alice-On Awards, Seoul, Korea

2006 Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, Swing Space Grant (New York, U.S.A.)

2005-2006 Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Starr Foundation Fellowship, Asian Cultural Council, fellowship for art works in U.S.A. (New York, U.S.A.)

2004-2005 Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Starr Foundation Fellowship, Asian Cultural Council, fellowship for art works in U.S.A. (New York, U.S.A.)

2004-2006 Kwanjeong Educational Foundation, Full scholarship and stipend for study at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Korea

2004 AHL foundation competition winner’s fellowship, New York, U.S.A.


202408(scheduled) “BirdMan’s Irises: Ophthalmic surgery”, BRADWOLFF PROJECTS, Amsterdam, Netherland.

202104 “Qualia Landscapes II”, Bambu gallery, Seoul, Korea.

201303 “Qualia Landscape”, Art Center Nabi & SK, Seoul, Korea.

201008-09 “To Reverse is to be a way – Loading Roads project I”, Gallery Kunstdoc, Seoul, Korea.

201002 “Loading…Roads; Booting”, Kunstdoc Project Space, Seoul, Korea.

200810 ”56 Seconds Theater”, Song-eun Gallery, Song-eun Art Foundation, Seoul, Korea.

200809 ”Eye-PDs & Port-scapes”, Gallery NOW, Seoul, Korea.

200805 ”Empty Park”, Art Space Hue, Seoul, Korea.

200206 “Acrophobia”, Gallery Art’s Will, Seoul, Korea.


• Jeong Han Kim (2024), “‘Gyukmulchizhi(Gewuzhizhi, Gaining Knowledge by the Study of Things)’ and Virtuality – Focused on the ‘Image of Thought’ and VR”, CONTENTS PLUS(KCI), 22(2), pp. 5-19.

• Jeong Han Kim (2022), “A Study of AI-Human Coordinated Producing Cinema – Focused on the Analysis of <Sunspring>”, CONTENTS PLUS(KCI), 20(4), pp. 67-80.

• Jeong Han Kim (2020), “Being-Things: Study on Affect, ‘Trans-Corporeality’ and Zhu Xi’s ‘Gaining Knowledge by the Study of Things’ – Focused on the Jan Švankmajer’s < FOOD >”, CONTENTS PLUS(KCI), 18(3), pp. 5-18.

• Jeong Han Kim (2019), “Qualia, Gap of Mind-Body, and Data: Exploring the Possibilities of Data art from the Viewpoint of New Materialism and Cognitive Science”, The Journal of Aesthetics and Science of Art (KCI), 57, pp. 99-131.

• Jeong Han Kim, Jung-Do Kim (2019) “VR Escher Stairs” – focused on the Cognitive Science Special Exhibition Artwork at the Gwacheon National Science Museum”, CONTENTS PLUS(KCI), 17(1), pp. 41-52.

• Hyun Jean Lee, Jeong Han Kim (2017), “After Felix Gonzalez-Torres: The New Active Audience in the Social Media Era”, Third Text (A&HCI), 30(5-6), pp. 474-489.

• Jeong Han Kim (2016), “Hybrid Identity Experiment due to Hybrid Perception and Qualia Landscapes – Based on Convergent Perspective between Media Art and Cognitive Science”, CONTENTS PLUS(KCI), 14(1), pp. 85-98.

• Jeong Han Kim, Hyun Jean Lee, Hong-Gee Kim (2015), “The BirdMan: hybrid perception”, Digital Creativity 26 (A&HCI), Special Issue ‘Art & Ecology’, pp. 56-64.

• Jeong Han Kim (2015) “A Study on Scientific Discovery and Knowledge Visualization: – from the perspective of science-art hybridization based on ‘neosentience’ and ‘qualia’”, Journal of Basic Design & Art, 16(3), pp. 121-129.

• Byung Jin Choi, Jeong Han Kim (joint correspondence) (2015), “Leonardo da Vinci’s Drawing and Visual Reasoning”, Lettere Italiane (KCI), 46, pp. 283-311.

• Jeong Han Kim (2012), “A Study on Analyses of Visual Arts based on Cognitive Science and Future Issues”, CONTENTS PLUS(KCI), 10(2), pp. 185-199.

• Jeong Han Kim (2010), “Augmented Reality and Avatar Space”, CONTENTS PLUS(KCI), 8(4), pp. 1-14.

Jeong Han Kim (2008) “Study on Self-Reference in Digital Media Arts”, Journal of Basic Design & Art, 9(1), pp. 295-303.

• [Book] Jeong Han Kim et al. (B-MADE Center Planning, Center Director Jeong Han Kim) (2016), Heart, the Organ of the Mind: What is the Heart to Humans, Bada Publishing House, Excellent Publication Support Selected 1by Korea Publishing Industry Promotion Agency, ISBN 9788955618983.

• [Book] Jeong Han Kim et al. (B-MADE Center Planning, Center Director Jeong Han Kim) (2016) Creative Healer: Life Principles from Cells to Society and the Creative Healing Ability of Art, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism Korea Creative Content Agency 2015 Domestic Universities Content convergence education program selection support project, ISBN 9788998875091.

• [Book] Jeong Han Kim (project manager) et al. (2014), Biomedical Art Workshop, Ministry of Education ACE department capacity building support project book

• [Art Book] Jeong Han Kim (2009), Perceiving Perception: A Study on the Possibility of Perceiving Others (Collection of Jeonghan Kim, Culture and Arts Committee, Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture, ACC, LMCC support)

• [Article] Jeong Han Kim (2017) “Cognitive Science and Art: Focusing on Modern and Contemporary Art”, Public Art, September 2017, Special Issue Brain Science and Art

• [Article] Hyun Jean Lee, Jeong Han Kim (2006), “Collaborative Work in Media Art”, Inevitability of Rabbit Hunting, published by Soma Museum of Art


201712 <Breath of Chang Ucchin II>, Neoplasia, Chang Ucchin Museum of Art, Yangju City

201711 <Neotopia:Data and Humanity>, Neoplasia project, Art Center Nabi, Seoul

201709 <AnD City>, Samsung Blue Square, Seoul

201710 < Community of Reflection, Nation, Individual, and Us>, Cell Nation, Buk-Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul

201705 <Special Exhibition for Cognitive Science>, Visual System of Animal VR, Gwacheon National Science Museum, Gwacheon

201705 <Special Exhibition for Cognitive Science>, Escher VR, , Gwacheon National Science Museum, Gwacheon

201611 <station MOVES>, Qualia Landscape: Berlin and Seoul 1, 2, 3, 4 / station MOVES, MEINBLAU, Berlin, Germany

201603 <Neue Empriker 2016>, Jaha Museum, Seoul

201512 <Neue Empriker 2015>, HeArt, Frappant e. V Gallery, Hamburg, Germany

201511 <Creative Healer>, Rreproduction 20151101, Community Gallery of Buk-Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul

201509 <Infosphare>, Emergent Mind of City III,  ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany

201508 <Engagement 2015>, Five Ways to Get Down to Karlsruhe, DOS Gallery, Seoul

2013 < EAPACIO ENTER Festival >, Tenerife Espacio de las Artes (TEA), Tenerife, Canary Island, Spain

2013 < ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2013 > Hong Kong, China

2013 < IEEE VIS 2013 Art Program >, Atlanta, U.S.A.

2013 < Re-New Digital Art Festival 2013 >, Copenhagen, Denmark

2013 < Juan Media Art Festival > Juan, Kyung-gi Do, Korea

2013 < Asian Digital Art Award >, Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, Fukuoka, Japan.

2013 < Tech Fest >, IIT Bombay(Mumbai), Mumbai, India

2012 < Neue Empiriker (New Empiricist) >, ZAHA Museum, Seoul

2012 < Media Prism >, Media Canvas at Seoul Square , Seoul, Korea

2012 < The 7th Media Art Biennale Media City Seoul 2012>, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea

2012 < Mind of Painting >, Yanbian University, Yanbian, China

2012 < Engagement >, Bittle Gallery, Bundang, Korea

2011 < Neue_Empirike >, ZAHA Museum, Seoul

2011 < VIDEO + CAST >, Arko Art Center, Seoul

2011 < 50th Celebratory Exhibition of Seoul Women’s University >, Gong Art Space, Seoul, Korea

2011 < Detour to Leipzig >, Make Shop Art Space, Paju, Korea

2011 < Engagement 2011>, Gong Art Space, Seoul, Korea (scheduled)

2011 < Make Shop Art Space Open Show>, Make Shop Art Space, Paju, Korea

2010 < Message of Basic Design & Art, University of Bridgeport>, Bridgeport, U.S.A.

2010 < Engagement 2010, Color Chart Seoul 2010 >, Sungkyun Gallery, Seoul, Korea

2009 < Encounter between Art and Science >, National Science Museum, Kwachon-si, Kyunggi-do, Korea

2009 < Portrait of Water Vein >, Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art, Sapporo, Japan

2009 < Engagement 2009 >, Chang-wook-jin Art Foundation Gallery, Yong-in city, Kyunggi-do, Korea

2009 < DSZK >, Guro Art Valley, Seoul, Korea

2008 < ASIAGRAPH 2008 in Tokyo >, NATIONAL MUSEUM OF EMERGING SCIENCE AND INNOVATION Tokyo International Exchange Center

2008 < National Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea – Traveling Art Museum >, KAIST, Deajeon, Korea

2008 < A Wise Answer to a Silly Question>, Gallery KunstDoc, Seoul

2008 < Technology, Culture, Plastic Arts>, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Fukuoka, Japan

2008 < KSBDA International Spring Exhibition> (Korean Society of Basic Design & Art), Seoul National University, Seoul

2008 < Colorful Convergence >, Kyungpook National Univerisity, Daegu

2008 < Animation: Motion/Emotion>, Barom gallery, Seoul Women’s University, Seoul

2007 < Stairs of Light>, Sungnam Art Center, Seoul

2007 < Digital Play Ground>, Total Museum of Art, Seoul

2007 < Montage/De-Montage >, Andante Gallery, Seoul

2007 < Alice-On Awards>, New Media Gallery Triad, Seoul

2007 < The 10th Subtle Technologies Festival 2007>, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

2007 < RHIZOME ArtBase >,

2006 < TRANS Visual Culture Exhibition >, TRANS Visual Conference at University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A.

2006 < Moving Time: Tribute to Nam June Paik >, Video Art Exhibition, Presenting Thirty International Video Artists, Korean Culture Service, New York, U.S.A.

2006 < “The BirdMan” project, 2006 >, Graduate Exhibition, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Gallery 2, Chicago, U.S.A.

2006 < Live and Retrospective >, MAF (Thailand 4th New Media Arts Festival 2006), Bangkok, Thailand

2005 < Eight Korean Artists>, AHL foundation grantee exhibition, Whitebox, NY, New York, U.S.A.

2005 <BirdMan” project>, Gallery 2, Chicago, U.S.A.

2005 MAF Thailand New Media Festival, Thailand.

2005 Seoul DMB (Data Mobile Broadcasting) Video Festival, Seoul, Korea

2003 < Far From Home Videos >, Remote Lounge, New York, U.S.A.

2003 < The. Station > selected and sponsored exhibition by the Korean Culture & Art Foundation, Art Space HUE, Seoul, Korea

2002 < Potluck Videofest >, Gallery5, Tokyo Opera City, Tokyo, Japan

2002 < Crosstalk >, Live Broadcasting and Art Exhibition, Art Center of the Korean Culture & Art Foundation at Taehangno, Seoul, Korea

2001 < Digital Art Network >, Technomart shopping mall, Seoul, Korea

2001 < International Exchange College of Fine Art, SNU, Korea, Central Academy of Fine Art, Beijing, China

2001 < Reconstruction > Public Art Project, Bangbeadong, Seoul, Korea

2001 < Nomadic Video >, gallery ARTSIDE, Seoul, Korea

2001 < Woods and Dream >, EMAF – Media Art Festival Ehwa women’s university, Seoul, Korea

2001 < Goyang Art Festival >, Goyang-shi Art Culture Center, Goyang-shi, Korea

2001 < Digital Art Network – PUBLIC ART PROJECTS>, Technomart shopping mall, Seoul

2001 < Reconstruction Festival – PUBLIC ART PROJECTS >, Funded by The Korean Culture and Arts Promotion, BangBea-dong, Seoul

2000 < Wow Project-Digital Adventure > – “Sun Rising”, Metro Subway running across Seoul (Line 6th), Seoul, Korea

2000 < A Sense of Alienation between North and South>, Gallery Hello Art, Seoul, Korea

2000 < 2nd Art Factory 2000 > – “Blind Love”, Sampyo Factory, Seoul, Korea

2000 < Blind Love> Web Art Project. ‘LOVE(l-o-v-e)LO-VIEW’.

2000 < Media Art 21 – Virtually Yours >, Gallery in Sejong art and performing Center, Seoul, Korea

2000 < Wow Project-Digital Adventure – PUBLIC ART PROJECTS > – “Sun Rising”, Metro Subway running across Seoul (Line 6th), Dec 2000~Jan 2001, Seoul, Korea


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